Demand for IoT-based RTLS solutions in the logistics industry to hit all-time highs in this coming decade! Here are a few advantages…

The logistics industry is a huge sector with great untapped potential paving the way for IoT-based asset and employee monitoring solutions to make their foray into this industry. According to an internet source, “Total market cap of the logistics industry alone is set to reach $41 Billion USD by the end of 2021” With this […]
Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) and how Pinmicro will lead the future of Real-time location systems (RTLS)

Precise indoor location systems have been under constant development & evolution since the early 1950s and it still hasn’t stopped. So, in this conquest for perfecting the science of precise indoor locating, we’ve now reached an era of the latest and best (for now, of course) technology in delivering the most precise indoor location information […]