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Sansan株式会社が提供する名刺アプリ「Eight」は、株式会社テレビ東京および株式会社幻冬舎「GOETHE(ゲーテ)」と共に、オンラインイベント「Climbers 2021(クライマーズ)」を、2021年5月21日(金)から5月23日(日)の期間に開催します。飛躍的な成果をあげた企業人や各界の著名人など、

In Tokyo, last month, when Malayali entrepreneur Tiby Kuruvila read about the suicide of Sajan Parayil, 49, an NRI who invested Rs 16 crore in a state-of-the-art auditorium, which did not get the clearance certificate from the Anthoor Municipality in Kannur, he felt a bit queasy.

Whenever the Tokyo-based Tiby Kuruvila introduced himself, the Japanese would say, “You Indians are so bright and intelligent.”One of the reasons for this attitude is that all the Indians in Japan are either in the IT industry, or working as engineers or scientists. “There is nobody from the worker class,” says Tiby. “They usually come from Philippines or Vietnam.”

位置センサーベースの分析プラットフォームを提供する「Pinmicro」は、シリコンバレーで開催された世界最大の​テクノロジースタートアップのカンファレンス「TiE50 2016」 に参加し、2,000社を超える応募企業の中から、上位50社の1社として「TiE50 2016 Winner」に選ばれました。

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Our class-leading rugged hardware will make sure that your location data is accurate and will seamlessly send it to your systems.

Hardware + Platform SDK

Gain an entry into our ecosystem by using both our hardware and software so you’ll get to experience how our solutions work firsthand.

Business Solution Bundle
(All inclusive)

You will have the entire feature set of our solution at your disposal. Witness the real-time benefits of RTLS which translate to maximum business performance.